Friday, 7 October 2016

Paris fashion week: collection favourites

SO, the fashion weeks are over and now I am left with the chore of sifting through images, identifying trends, organising boards and a hefty amount of image labelling. I say chore but I actually quite enjoy it...I just wish it was less time consuming. This being said, very soon I will have no job(due to my aforementioned resignation)and will have all of the time in the world to make trend boards, write blog posts and hopefully create a beautiful collection of prints that will sell well and enable me to create my own independent business...ha!No pressure there then!

I have some things in the pipeline and a VERY vague plan of what I will be doing post relocation but I will leave that shrouded in mystery until I've had some confirmation. I also want to start a youtube channel at some point..soonish...not to be a vlogger as I don't really know how personable I am on video and I just don't have the level of narcissism required to be able to constantly film myself... I'm more interested in recording on video what I do at work, life in Brussels(before I leave) and capturing memories with my friends in my favourite hangouts. More like a memory archive than a vlog. The problem, however, is that I have no clue how to edit if anyone has any tips/advice/app knowledge I would hugely appreciate a comment to let me know!

Anyway, here are my Paris favourites:

The reason I liked this collection o much was the dotwork in the ground of the florals, the prints are really intricate and I'm definitely keen to do a few versions of these.
McQueen has combined a tough punk aesthetic through leather and plaid with soft romanticism in floral prints and chiffon layers. Although the prints aren't particularly ground breaking/inspiring, the balance in the soft/tough mashup is perfect.
Although I know that this is not a collection I would ever be able to wear(oversized loose clothes tend to make me look more fat hippy than relaxed chic) I love the paisley prints, the colour combinations and the relaxed aesthetic- particularly how patchwork has been introduced without the garments looking shabby or makeshift.
Well hellllooooo Chanel! Gone are the days when Chanel was only associated with tweed twinsets. Spring/Summer 2017 saw models dressed as daft punk-esque robots wearing colourful new tweeds and slow shutter speed photography prints. Once again Karl Lagerfeld has shown us how to make a couture house contemporary. 
LOVE! I think the thing I like the most about the Issey Miyake collection is the clour combinations used; blue and brown, deep purple and lime, teal and flame red....I just love it!

That is the last of my favourite collections for Spring/Summer 2017. Watch out over the next week for my Spring/Summer 2017 trend report- just finalising the boards at the moment and making sure all of the labelling is correct but it should be up soon! x

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