Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Illustration Friday....on a Wednesday night....

As mentioned in my previous post I am trying to ease my way back into regular blog posts. I am also keen to get back into illustrating- I absolutely love drawing but don't seem to prioritise it enough to ever finish an illustration. Recently my lovely friends living in Germany sent me a sketch a day diary in the post, which I absolutely loved receiving. Of course I haven't managed to do a page a day butI am trying. I am really keen to develop my drawing skills and create my own style so that people can look at my illustrations and identify them as mine.

In an effort to do this I have decided to start participating in Illustration Friday ( Every Friday they post a new theme on their website and you have until the next Friday to create a piece of art for it. What better way to get me back into drawing! Also it's nice to be guided in a theme,I'm hoping I can push myself into trying out new drawing techniques while doing this so that I get a broader range of illustrations.

So this weeks theme was 'mermaid' and here is my illustration.... pretty rough around the edges but for a few hrs work it's not too bad!

That's all for now :)

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