Thursday, 5 September 2013

Primark Spree and new shoes!

I have finally booked my London fashion week tickets!!!Well London fashion weekend anyway, which I'm sure will be just as exciting!

I can't wait to wander around looking at the stores and I'm also looking forward to seeing the trend catwalks- after the vast magnitude of printed garments in the recent fashion weeks, I'm extremely excited to see what next year has in store....This does however mean I need to choose an outfit...which also means I get to buy a new a response to this I decided t go on a mini spree, which actually didn't damage my bank balance too much as it was only to Primark. This being said, I was extremely impressed with their current range and bought some absolute beauts...

primark, hnm, h&m, fringed bag, abstract pattern, geometric pattern, cami top, cutout boots, cut-out, aztec necklace, costume jewellery
Primark: Tops both £5.00, Necklace £8.00, Cut-out boots £18.00, H&M fringed bag £14.99.
Cheeky selfie of me enjoying my new purchases!

I find that whenever I tell people that I work in fashion they seem to quickly assume that as a female who works in this industry I own a lot of shoes...which I don' not wanting to disappoint people I have decided that I probably need to buy some more(what a shame!) 

I had a lengthy browse online for some relatively cheap flatforms seeing as I seem to have a little bit of an obsession with featuring them in my style posts. I came across these beauties on and they reminded me of some I saw in New Look a few months ago which I desperately wanted but couldn't get as they didn't have my shoe size- the downfall of being a massive shortie with size 3 feet!

'Glamorous' shoes only £7.00!!!!!

Anyway I test drove them to work today and they were so comfortable and easy to walk in and I didn't even stumble/stub my toe/fall spread eagled on the floor a single time, which is a rarity for me regardless of heel size.

Another amazing thing about these shoes is that they were only £7.00 and with a cheeky online promotion code that I found I got them for the bargain price of £5.60- absolute steal!

While online window shopping(is that even a thing?) I came across these perspex clutch bags on the Topshop and River Island sites. I have previously blogged about the perspex bag trend and these clutches embody this trend perfectly, I think I might have to attempt to make one for London fashion weekend.

Topshop £40.00,River Island £35.00.

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